
在过去十年,PEACH被公认为是世界领先的MICE场地之一,并举办了许多世界级的活动。 此外,该中心还获得了许多享有盛誉的奖项和荣誉,可以在下面查看。

自1963年成立以来,皇家克里夫酒店集团迄今已获得来自著名的国内和国际组织的150多个令人垂涎的奖项。 皇家克里夫酒店集团是亚洲唯一一家连续10年获得《亚洲旅游贸易公报》最高荣誉的TTG Travel Hall of Fame的酒店集团,这使其成为泰国唯一一家获得此殊荣的酒店。

2019 | TTG Travel Hall of Fame Award “Best Meetings & Conventions Hotel” Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
2019 | Thailand MICE Venue Standard Certificate for Excellent Service and Quality Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
2019 | TTG Travel Hall of Fame Award “Best Meetings & Conventions Hotel” Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
2018 | Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
2018 | Thailand MICE Venue Standard Certificate for Excellent Service and Quality 2017 Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
2018 |
2018 |
2017 | Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
2017 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
2017 |
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2016 | Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
2016 |
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2015 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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2014 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
2014 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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2013 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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2012 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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2005 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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2004 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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1996 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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1995 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
1994 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
1993 |
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1993 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
1992 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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1991 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
1990 |
1990 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
1990 |
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1989 | Travel Trade Gazette (Asia) & PATA
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1987 |



PEACH Travel Newsletter


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